80 research outputs found

    Coexistence of localized and extended states in the Anderson model with long-range hopping

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    We study states arising from fluctuations in the disorder potential in systems with long-range hopping. Here, contrary to systems with short-range hopping, the optimal fluctuations of disorder responsible for the formation of the states in the gap, are not rendered shallow and long-range when EE approaches the band edge (E0E\to 0). Instead, they remain deep and short-range. The corresponding electronic wave functions also remain short-range-localized for all E<0E<0. This behavior has striking implications for the structure of the wave functions slightly above E=0E=0. By a study of finite systems, we demonstrate that the wave functions ΨE\Psi_E transform from a localized to a quasi-localized type upon crossing the E=0E=0 level, forming resonances embedded in the E>0E>0 continuum. The quasi-localized ΨE>0\Psi_{E>0} consists of a short-range core that is essentially the same as ΨE=0\Psi_{E=0} and a delocalized tail extending to the boundaries of the system. The amplitude of the tail is small, but it decreases with rr slowly. Its contribution to the norm of the wave function dominates for sufficiently large system sizes, LLc(E)L\gg L_c(E); such states behave as delocalized ones. In contrast, in small systems, LLc(E)L\ll L_c(E), quasi-localized states are overwhelmingly dominated by the localized cores and are effectively localized.Comment: 18+1 pages, 9+1 figure

    Quantum percolation in granular metals

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    Theory of quantum corrections to conductivity of granular metal films is developed for the realistic case of large randomly distributed tunnel conductances. Quantum fluctuations of intergrain voltages (at energies E much below bare charging energy scale E_C) suppress the mean conductance \bar{g}(E) much stronger than its standard deviation \sigma(E). At sufficiently low energies E_* any distribution becomes broad, with \sigma(E_*) ~ \bar{g}(E_*), leading to strong local fluctuations of the tunneling density of states. Percolative nature of metal-insulator transition is established by combination of analytic and numerical analysis of the matrix renormalization group equations.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures, REVTeX

    Protected Qubits and Chern Simons theories in Josephson Junction Arrays

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    We present general symmetry arguments that show the appearance of doubly denerate states protected from external perturbations in a wide class of Hamiltonians. We construct the simplest spin Hamiltonian belonging to this class and study its properties both analytically and numerically. We find that this model generally has a number of low energy modes which might destroy the protection in the thermodynamic limit. These modes are qualitatively different from the usual gapless excitations as their number scales as the linear size (instead of volume) of the system. We show that the Hamiltonians with this symmetry can be physically implemented in Josephson junction arrays and that in these arrays one can eliminate the low energy modes with a proper boundary condition. We argue that these arrays provide fault tolerant quantum bits. Further we show that the simplest spin model with this symmetry can be mapped to a very special Z_2 Chern-Simons model on the square lattice. We argue that appearance of the low energy modes and the protected degeneracy is a natural property of lattice Chern-Simons theories. Finally, we discuss a general formalism for the construction of discrete Chern-Simons theories on a lattice.Comment: 20 pages, 7 figure

    Phase Transition in a Self-repairing Random Network

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    We consider a network, bonds of which are being sequentially removed; that is done at random, but conditioned on the system remaining connected (Self-Repairing Bond Percolation SRBP). This model is the simplest representative of a class of random systems for which forming of isolated clusters is forbidden. It qualitatively describes the process of fabrication of artificial porous materials and degradation of strained polymers. We find a phase transition at a finite concentration of bonds p=pcp=p_c, at which the backbone of the system vanishes; for all p<pcp<p_c the network is a dense fractal.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Universality and non-universality in behavior of self-repairing random networks

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    We numerically study one-parameter family of random single-cluster systems. A finite-concentration topological phase transition from the net-like to the tree-like phase (the latter is without a backbone) is present in all models of the class. Correlation radius index νB\nu_B of the backbone in the net-like phase; graph dimensions -- dmind_{\min} of the tree-like phase, and DminD_{\min} of the backbone in the net-like phase appear to be universal within the accuracy of our calculations, while the backbone fractal dimension DBD_B is not universal: it depends on the parameter of a model.Comment: Published variant; more accurate numerical data and minor corrections. 4 pages, 5 figure

    Percolation with excluded small clusters and Coulomb blockade in a granular system

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    We consider dc-conductivity σ\sigma of a mixture of small conducting and insulating grains slightly below the percolation threshold, where finite clusters of conducting grains are characterized by a wide spectrum of sizes. The charge transport is controlled by tunneling of carriers between neighboring conducting clusters via short ``links'' consisting of one insulating grain. Upon lowering temperature small clusters (up to some TT-dependent size) become Coulomb blockaded, and are avoided, if possible, by relevant hopping paths. We introduce a relevant percolational problem of next-nearest-neighbors (NNN) conductivity with excluded small clusters and demonstrate (both numerically and analytically) that σ\sigma decreases as power law of the size of excluded clusters. As a physical consequence, the conductivity is a power-law function of temperature in a wide intermediate temperature range. We express the corresponding index through known critical indices of the percolation theory and confirm this relation numerically.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure